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...Glick treats each song with respect, combining the generations of song and theatre craft into a seamless statement delivered with control and intimacy and brings both songs stunningly into the present….
points the way to future success.”


Linda Glick
Linda Glick
Linda Glick
...TEACH ME TONIGHT included a song (“You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught”) as powerful as any speech could be calling for tolerance.”
...The charming and likable Glick wove songs together with the theme of teaching, making for interesting choices and very entertaining personal stories…all delivered with mature and intelligent interpretations.”
...Glick sings beautifully in French and Spanish. Good music, stories, accompaniment and a warm feeling between performer and audience made for a most pleasant experience.”


I recently closed a 4 show fall musical residency at Pangea with a new and eclectic program, including signature songs by Charles Aznavour and Alberto Manzanero that was very special to me. 


Ian Herman, my musical director and dear collaborator, and I included contemporary selections by Randy Newman, Janis Ian, Billy Joel, Noel Coward, Cole Porter, and even (our crowd favorite) original material we wrote together.  THANK YOU to all of you who came and shared your support so generously.


Ian (here he is), already looking forward to the next show! 

Ian Herman photo by J Slaff

Ian Herman in "Teach Me Tonight" with Linda Glick at Pangea. 

Photo by Kamoier Williams.

Linda Glick photo by J Slaff

Linda Glick in "Teach Me Tonight" at Pangea. Photo by Jonathan Slaff.



A musical look at the teacher/ student roles we play over and over again in the mystery of  life. I was exploring questions like: Who is the teacher? Who is the student?



Humor and personal anecdotes are my favorite ways to take audiences on a joyous emotional and musical adventure, and I really felt that with this show we were able to come closer to the principle that we are all the teacher and student in the school of life.  




I am profoundly passionate about teaching, learning, discovering, exploring... and the deep relationship between student and teacher.  I've either been in front of a classroom or an audience my whole life.  In the broadest sense, we all teach and learn from each other: parents, children, lovers, spouses, partners.  From heartbreak and heartthrobs, from birth to death. 


Out, Washington, DC

...a class act. There is sunshine in her emotional purity." 

The NY Post

 ...a musical master of song. Her commitment, intensity and sincerity catch her listeners with force."

GC News, Chicago

LINDA GLICK, NYC born and bred actress and singer has earned high praise from critics and audiences alike. Her career spans Theatre, Film and TV as well as her deep roots in Cabaret where it all began. She has appeared in all the top NYC Supper clubs and Nightspots, including Feinsteins/54Below (10/15) as well as throughout Europe, South America, and the Far East.

LINDA is tri-lingual, and sings in English, French, and Spanish. Her style has been strongly influenced by European songwriters and performers. 



Linda Glick is an NYC based savvy actress, voice teacher, & corporate coach known for telling it like it is. 

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